Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Friday ya bastards!

With all the bar fighting/breaking curfew/suspension troubles the Missouri Tigers have been getting into lately, some students want to pitch in and help poor old coach Anderson...

(HT: Nick King)

And the hits keep on coming for UConn! We talked about Connecticut players Doug Wiggins and Jerome Dyson getting suspended for emulating Snoop Dogg, but with cognac instead of gin. Well that pot the police found turned out to be a bigger problem than first believed. Which now leads to Dyson being suspended for an additional 30 days for failing yet ANOTHER drug test.

"I'm not going through what I thought after 22 years I would be going through at UConn..." (head coach Jim) Calhoun said.

You can say that again. What sparked this kind of karmic retribution of the Huskies doing great and getting ranked just to have their star players ride the pine?

The Huskies training video.

Happy Friday to you.