Thursday, May 8, 2008

Say anything for page views

I don't understand it. Seriously, why are these black athletes unable to stay out of trouble.

So goes the first sentence in this article written by Mr. Jeffrey Klein for the Bleacher Report. He then goes on to say...

Yup, these people can't just play their sport, they have to get in trouble with the law, beating people up with guns, using drugs, and whatnot. These athletes deserve to be punish and all deserve to be banned from the league. These athletes bring it upon themselves and create this issue where it is not going to stop and black athletes are going to continue getting arrested and in trouble with the league.

They are just that stupid, and they continue to bring it on themselves.

Now, we agree that if an athlete breaks the law, he should be punished. No argument there, Mr. Klein.

But what we have a problem with is your use of "these people" and "these black athletes".

The best part is that Mr. Klein wraps up his little missive with this...

And don't call me racist either, I'll be voting for Obama in the election, and I have black friends...

Are you voting for Obama out of guilt for how you feel about Blacks? Now there is a Black man I can relate to, I'm not racist!

Here is our point. We could go on and on about how white athlete after white athlete after white athlete after white athlete after white athlete after white athlete are nothing but thugs who break the law too.

But we won't. We're above that tit-for-tat nonsense. But maybe Mr. Klein might want to rethink his ill-informed argument.