Friday, June 20, 2008

Cradle robbers

So coaches are against recuiting 14 year olds... Why not though? If you're old enough to run, you're old enough to commit to Division I basketball! But the most interesting part of the article was the following:

The decision comes a little more than a month after the 15-year-old (Michael) Avery said he would attend Kentucky...

"If the current rules state coaches cannot offer scholarships or accept commitments from students earlier than June 15 following the conclusion of the sophomore year, it certainly makes sense that this should apply to anyone in lower grades," said NABC president Tubby Smith in a written statement released by the association.

That just struck me as bitterness by Tubby, the ex-Kentucky basketball coach.

Off topic - Teen Stabs Boyfriend with Eyeliner Pencil!

Hold still or else I'll cut ya!